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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Slightly off the Supercars topic but Kiwi Scott McLaughlin has not only won the Indy 500 but also won the Indycar iRacing championship, mind you, unofficially as they decided not to officially count the points because 'Merica', and being beaten by a Kiwi who has yet to join the championship would hurt their ego's....
The Indy 500 race.
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
That clip sum's up the first racing, a large number of non sim racers.
I'm watching it live on their facebook page as they stopped the twitch stream after the first days racing, probably to do with sponsors and advertising.
The Supercars Youtube Channel has just started putting up the races, only 4 weeks after the series started.
Qualifying has been on Foxtel 506 but that's a challenge for those not in Australia.
Supercars All Stars Eseries
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
The Supercars series, like many others is running an Eseries using iRacing, details on their Farcebook page here.
If you want to catch up with the earlier races this Youtube site is hosting all the earlier races.
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :
No-one is saying that a light sensor being used to control dashboard brightness is a highly innovative and incredible idea. The question is about how commonly the system has been implemented. You would be most helpful if you would give us some information about just how many cars have a self-regulating dash brightness and how many don't. When I code something like this into LFS, it's preferable to have some real world examples and general understanding.

After some mostly unhelpful internet research, I reached out to BMW and was put in touch with President of BMW Designworks Oliver Heilmer. Designworks is a design shop wholly owned by BMW in LA, and it was intimately involved with the entire process that resulted in BMW's X family of SUVs. So it's appropriate that I'm speaking to Heilmer about the X4's dashboard.

Heilmer told me that BMW's characteristic orange-red hue is generated by light at a wavelength of 605 nanometers. The color was chosen to allow the driver to clearly see the instrument cluster, but also to be able to adjust to the darkness outside the vehicle quickly after looking up. The eye doesn't tire as quickly trying to read gauges illuminated with red-orange light, he said. BMW discovered this in the 1970s, and it's been both an aesthetic trademark and a conscious ergonomic decision ever since.

Heilmer explains that the new 5 and 7 Series cars use an intelligent system keyed to a windshield-mounted light sensor for more control of the light color and intensity presented to the driver. BMW has also conducted further research that's found less difference between white and orange-red light at night than previously thought, so these newer cars will maintain neutral white dial illumination even at night (at somewhat reduced intensity), with orange-red displayed less prominently. With fully programable and digital instruments, Heilmer says, "from BMW's point of view the ideal adjustment is always displayed accordingly."

So, if dashboard lighting can be resolved, perhaps a physics release could be the next priority, maybe, please ..............
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from Forbin :A "warming period" that is unprecedented in the history of the planet, and just so happens to coincide with human industrialization.

"The most recent glacial period occurred between about 120,000 and 11,500 years ago. Since then, Earth has been in an interglacial period called the Holocene. Glacial periods are colder, dustier, and generally drier than interglacial periods. These glacial–interglacial cycles are apparent in many marine and terrestrial paleoclimate records from around the world."

So, provided we all pay a 'Carbon Tax' we can alter the history of this planet and control it's temperature......

Yes, of course our activities have an effect on the planet, I did think I'd made that point, but clearly not well enough for you.
My point was that there are many other actions we need to take to support our survival as a species on this planet.

But, if all you want to do is to pay another tax to make the wealthy wealthier without actually doing anything meaningful, go ahead............

Record private jet flights into Davos as leaders arrive for climate talk
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
As we are massively off topic (Thanks Scawen Thumbs up ) there are a couple of points I'd like to make.

Anthropomorphic Climate Change - Whilst human actions on the Planet have a major effect on our ability to survive as a species, ( Pollution, radiation, water abuse ), to believe that humans are solely responsible for variations in Earths temperature is an act of extreme hubris.
Actual science, rather than Greta science, would suggest that we are currently in a warming period whilst still in an Ice Age. Something that actual science shows has happened a number of times in this planets history.

Actual problems facing human existence - Our apparent desire to make our planet unlivable. Unless we choose to stop polluting our waterways, stop irradiating our selves and our food sources with ( Gosh, how did that happen ??? ) massive nuclear 'accidents' that 'no one could foresee', polluting our sea's with plastic waste that WILL kill off fish species that we rely on for food, and, first and foremost,

STOP the massive waste of money, resources, and threat of human devastation that is the arms race and weapons sales.
If the money wasted on this was spent on cleaning our planet then human life would be vastly improved.

FYI - For those of you who live in the UK.....
UK reclaims place as world's second largest arms exporter

Don't bother to lecture me when this is YOUR COUNTRIES CHOICE FOR OUR WORLDS FUTURE. You've got an election coming up, so sort your own house out !!!!
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from Evolution_R :It is as important to have a decent graphics when the new physics are ready for release. Smile
Also I don't think that the developers of LFS are singing the song of a sinking ship.

Ummm, no..

But well spotted, from a vague reference.

Graphic's alone will not bring the sim back to life. The physics update, first spoken of in 2006, and still LONG awaited, plus whatever extra content (VR, improved graphics, extra squirrels,) may do so but there is ONE key update (physics) that is really needed and (POSITIVE Thumbs up ) I hope will bring the sim back to life in this half of the world.

I'm really thrilled that 2 servers are showing full grids with this update.......

Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
I had hoped that the physic's update would actually have some vague (well, since 2006..) priority but it's awesome to see that the lighting changes are being worked on instead......

I'm really looking forward to the day/night cycles....
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
There was an update on 26/10/19 ??????????

As at that date, (at least in my reality#) the latest test patch post is.............

Thu 21 Mar 2019, 7:48
Last edited by Scawen, Mon 22 Jul 2019, 4:05.



Hello Racers,

Here is a new test patch: 0.6U7

It is mainly for VR image quality:
- Resolution adjustment (aka supersampling / PPD)
- Select 4x or 8x multisample antialiasing
- Fixes for Pimax headsets

There are also some graphical and force feedback improvements"............

# Caution - Reality is subjective, not objective, and your experience of 'reality' may vary for different users of this life feature.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

Clearly time is not an object or substance we can touch or see. But neither is it merely a dimension, quantity or a concept. Indeed, time has many aspects and appears to represent different things to different people in different circumstances.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from BerdyGaming :Do you have a TBE on the update release date?

(Ducking for cover Rofl )

Like all LFS releases, it will happen when it happens. You just get to be patent like the rest of us.
I've found that breeding Aldabrachelys gigantea hololissa and watching them grow to maturity works. /s
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from Ped7g :I hope we can agree endurance races with sun-movement is more than just a "track detail" (IMO it's substantial part of the gameplay experience with endurance racing, even if it would "just" graphical effect and nothing more). The current patch is of course only one step toward that, so it may feel like "meh, just details", but without this step there wouldn't be the following ones.

I fully agree with your post, however given that;

A: There has been no online racing in this region for a long time, so no active user base.
B: The AI do not encourage short single player races, let alone long ones.

This isn't a complaint and for the online racing that is happening in other parts of the world then this will be great.
I can't really see it increasing the user base in this region though.
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
IMHO - RBR and GP Legends, two of the best racing sims ever are kept (very) alive with community mods........

Automobilista, my current single player go to, has many mods for cars and tracks and it's physics are about as good as LFS (in my opinion Smile ), and the AI are light years better than LFS's.
If and when LFS actually updates the physics and AI ( There is NO multiplayer here now ) then great, till then there is no reason to update to S3 (I've got Rockingham in Automobilista, and many, many more tracks including most NZ & Aus tracks .... )

LFS has it's own development speed and refuses to allow mods, fair enough as that's the dev's choice.

The fact that it's regularly hacked suggests that it's still a good racing sim, but it does need an active community to keep the game alive.

As we can't have mods in LFS then we can only wait for the Dev's to actually release the updates, and till then I'm enjoying the other sim's available out there.

Modded games are really the way to involve the community and keep games fresh, alive, and current. ( In my opinion, just look at Skyrim as an example. )

LFS updates post 2005.*

1: - VR, Yeah Right..... Like most gamers ( and most Racing Game dev's )I really don't care yet.... Yes, awesome idea BUT it's only going to be a winner with 4th or 5th gen gear in a game that actually has a user base online racing.

2: - Better track detail, I enjoy (RS)RBR, GP Legends and Automobilista as games, not for their awesome graphics.....
Track detail is nice, but it's only icing on the cake.

*LFS was used by Turtle Entertainment and Volkswagen to showcase the new Scirocco in Leipzig Games Convention in 2008. A competition using LFS was held and the prize was a real Scirocco car. The Scirocco release for Live for Speed had been scheduled for December 19, 2008, however it has been delayed indefinitely due to unexpected fatal flaws in the latest patch and with the Scirocco itself, forcing the LFS team to remake the suspension system and tire physics.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from bishtop :The thing that everyone does not remember when talking about these other sims is do you think they will still be around and have the servers populated when they are the same age as LFS currently is, Most users who complain about new tracks and cars are a lot of the time the same racers who have driven under 1000 laps in over 10 years and will complain no matter what is or is not released

And still commenting in the July 2019 update post in nearly mid October 2019........

LFS has it's own development speed (Was that polite and tactful ?), I'm just uncertain if the user base will still be there if and when we actually see the main update this sim needs.

Graphics and track updates are nice, shame there is NO online racing in this half of the world so it's not appreciated for the many hours of labour that have been dedicated to it.

I'm still looking forward to the long awaited physics update that may bring back online racing but till that happens I find that AC has a much better single player mode, other games offer actual online racing so I'll just continue to enjoy the many other sim options out there.

I'm sorry that the great graphic and track options are not being seen by most sim racers because LFS single player is not the best AI experience that I've found out there. (Still trying to be tactful here. Wave )
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

Generally this is all that's needed......

Higher spec's do apply to VR.
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

The (semi) official description of Epstein's cause of death is Arkancide.
(Actually just googled this now and all that comes up are debunking sites saying that this is a conspiracy theory.......
Strange, (not), anyway, here are the facts behind this, think for yourselves. Cool )
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :
Actually interesting stuff....

"Other development topics include getting the new tyre physics up to a good standard for release, and hopefully a system to allow the physics and graphics to run on different threads, making use of the multiple CPU cores."

YAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm seriously looking forward for this to happen. Actually, just the tyre physics would be an awesome priority.....

And how exactly is the above not positive ?????

I try to keep my criticism on point and focused. And, as I've been waiting for this physics update for 'a little while' I'm keen to see it released, and hopefully, allow me to actually race this sim on line again.

Just making it look pretty is not going to achieve that.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Most other posts
"Blah, blah, blah, looking pretty......."

(IMHO: No point really if there is no online racing and the AI is the AI, enough said for single player)

Actually interesting stuff....

"Other development topics include getting the new tyre physics up to a good standard for release, and hopefully a system to allow the physics and graphics to run on different threads, making use of the multiple CPU cores."

YAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm seriously looking forward for this to happen. Actually, just the tyre physics would be an awesome priority.....
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed


That we're all waiting patiently for. Taped Shut
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
For those of you looking at getting into training for your Naruto run into area 51 this guide will help. Thumbs up
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
US millennials - Raid Area 51.

Watch this one, it's a real laugh........

Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
"It's a sad and lonely end for the front-wheel-drive hatchback coupe."

It ended production in 2017 people......., 2017.

I can hardly wait for its introduction into LFS, first announced on 12 December 2008. /joke

"Hello LFS Racers.
We are pleased to announce that we plan to release the new VW Scirocco in Live for Speed during the week ending Friday 19th December.
If you'd like to have a look at the car in 3D or start working on a skin.."

Seriously, lets just look forward to the physics update.
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
No one prepared to die ???

Age and viciousness wins. Cool
Also, we don't play fair.... sorry for that.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .